Written Article

Some Small Additions and Updates to the Site

May 23, 2023
It’s time for a quick update regarding some of the small changes and updates I have made throughout the site, here's a list.
Some Small Additions and Updates to the Site

The intent with the two-minute ramble project was to update the platform as I learn new skillsets or highlight functionality that prospective clients may want to include in similar projects of their own. So, I thought I would quickly post about some of the small updates or changes I have made to the site recently.

  • Interactions on the Home Page: I wanted to add some more interest to the site title on the home page, so I created a background image that follows the mouse cursor as it moves over the image. This adds a sense of motion to the element and makes the title / heading a little more unique.
  • Contributors List and Profile Page: With the review page build, I included a specific section to introduce the author / contributor of the review. This means that a site featuring reviews should provide a listing of all contributors, with a specific page for each profile. Those have been built and the contributor list can be viewed here, with the profile page viewable by clicking the contributors name or photo.
  • A Finished Game Listing: I put together a page to list some of the games I finished recently, really just for me to track that sort of thing, but used also to highlight how content relates throughout the site. This means that should there be articles, or a weekly image associated with that game it will be shown in the listing. You can check out the finished game page here, and I included a small link to it from the about page.
  • Design and Layout: I updated sections throughout the site with colour gradients to add a little more depth to these elements and create a visual flow between different content on pages. I am still looking to update specific font colours to improve accessibility which I will be doing so soon.
  • Made in Webflow: You may have noticed the Made in Webflow tag throughout the site, which was added to showcase the site on the Webflow community page. The project was always meant to help gain some freelance opportunities, and hopefully listing it on the community page will get some more eyes on the site.
In Summary.
The Positives.
The Negatives.

About the contributor.

It's me, the admin of two-minute ramble. I'm an 80s kid with an obsessive love of videogames and most pop-culture stuff.
Written Articles
Some Small Additions and Updates to the Site

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